River Teams are Christian small-groups that gather to discuss and absorb the Word and Spirit of God. The design of each meeting is to learn how to invite a right-now move of God into each believer’s life.
The goal of each River Team is to find, by way of the Bible, all that was directed from Heaven into every person at the moment of their new-birth encounter; that is, the second when they received the Lordship of Jesus Christ by faith through grace. That spontaneous spiritual union with Him resulted in a worldly and eternal transformation in both their heavenly identity and their earthly authority. It is discovering and releasing whatever the Bible asserts has already been deposited into their spirit-man, rather than what a Christian could typically become by improvement over time.
Only when someone transformed by Jesus truly knows who they have become in Him can they be certain in all that they both DO and HAVE for each day of their now-amazing life.
River Teams emphasizes, by the demonstration of Bible truth, the dominion-life Jesus has already installed into every child of God. The result is to empower each believer to receive healing and restoration for themselves and then to minister that same divine power to others. This is the gospel that works—it is the New Creation Nation!
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